Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dear, Thank You for being in my life=)

Never really knew that one can miss someone so much that all you ever want is to see that someone just for a few hours, and I will be contented. I guess the cat is out of the pun intended here..haha

These days anything with Cat in it, makes it seems like a pun or something. She is so gonna be smiling right now if she sees this. I seem to keep re-discovering this girl every date that we hang out, keep falling in love with this person again and again. I find that sometimes I am quite lucky to be with her and she also says the other way round...haha..aww.. 

Like just now, I think she pointed out something to me that she was not happy about something. And if she didn't point it out, I wouldn't have notice at all. Its kinda like my bad habit I guess...its like when the bullfrog sings and he gets so immersed with his voice that he ignores his mate who is beside him nudging him. So, its nice when there is a feedback loop and that she don't leave things to fester and manifest into something that is contagious and bad. Its really something that I am looking out for in a relationship, communication where 2 people can communicate and you know, be really connected without being afraid of each other. To me, it's really important such communication is important. And that's something that I hope I won't take for granted. But I know, if I might, she will remind me once its become apparent to her...haha

I guess being in a r/s, its all about complementing each other and helping each other grow. With her, I feel that I am slowly moving towards something that I had always knew I wanted but for some reason or not, it has always remain a thought/an ideal but I am beginning to take small steps towards it and I learn how to let go of certain things and to be kinder to myself. And I hope I am able to influence in some ways, on how to enjoy life as a process and not as a means to a goal. 

Being a lover is one thing, but being a partner is another. And I am beginning to see more sides in her that I never got a chance in the past. Of course, she has her quirks, her quick temper and stuff. I am more slow to anger unless its something that I feel like it touches on my principles. No one is entirely perfect, when you like someone, you have to like everything, like the bad and good. In a way, its quite a challenge and I am a little interested to see how I would react if things really heats up. But, I guess and hope that before shots are fired we are able to seat down and have a talk before things get out of hand. I think as long as comms is good, there is nothing that we can't overcome. 

  Seems like I m the younger one in most pics..haha

One of my fav pic of her

my most amusing pic of her 

This might be getting said too often, oks maybe not...but I feel that such things have to be said every now and then, and not wait till there is no chance to. 

So, dear, thank you for coming into my life and inner circle and brightening up my world and teaching me new things in life. Even though, it seems that most of the time I am the one teaching you instead...haha..I am not stoking up my ego here!!!...haha=P