Toradora!! ( Since ancient times, only the Dragon can be equal to the Tiger)
This anime is seriously seriously SUGOI!!!!! It tells of how this 2 persons whom are well-known in school. One looks like a delinquent( takasu) and the other who is violent in nature( Aisaka). But of course, they have another side of their character which not many knows except their close friends, Kitamura and Minorin knows. Then Takasu likes Minorin and Aisaka likes Kitamura. So they teamed up together to help each other to get their desired partners. However in the end, they both fell for each other. Ok...its quite predictable and stuff but seriously man, the storyline is nice and who would have thought that Minorin also likes Takasu. Also, one can see the character development really well and that one can understands the various emotions and confusions that each character is under-going and stuff. Maybe one thing is because We are young( tongue in cheek)
Takasu: Is just your typical guy but with a delinquent look. He can cooks and more of a housewife than a delinquent, plus he has an obsessive nature with cleaniness. He has a crush on minorin. And he is quite intellectual though he sucks totally on EQ or rather insensitive lor. Even when Aisaka quite obviously likes him , he also dunno.
Aisaka: She is a rather short girl. She is aggressive and short temper with a 'killer' look. But actually deep inside, she is also like every normal girl but she cannot or rather not good at expressing herself. Her crush is kitamura. Her best friend is minorin, and she knows that both of them likes each other but she couldnt help liking takasu in the end. She tried to push both takasu and minorin together but eventually the plan failed.
Kitamura: He is like the perfect guy in the whole school. He used to likes Aisaka in the past but was in a way rejected by her. He joined the student council so that he can forget about the rejection and in the end fell in love with the president of the student council. Eventually, showed the vulnerable side of his when he was rejected and everyone found out that he is also quite ordinary. However there is no denying his organisation and admin capabilities.
Minorin: One word to describe her. WEIRD. loves to spaced out at times. Good at most sports and is forever optimistic and cheerful. Also likes takasu but was afraid of showing out to him. At times she can be real intellectual and that she cares a lot about Aisaka and would rather give Takasu to Aisaka. Oh and she is equally good at playing dumb and faking her true feelings.
Kawashima: A late addition to the group. She is a talented and hot model. She also likes Takasu as well but she knew that Takasu only likes Minorin. She also can see that Aisaka and Minorin both likes Takasu as well. She is a very mature person and can see the whole situation unlike everyone else. She also has a complex issue within herself as she sometimes felt left out cuz she is too mature and not like the same wavelength as everyone else at times. Hates people that dont show their true feelings , especially Minorin.
Its truly a wonderful show. Or maybe cuz I can relate to it?? haha...I always like shows that one can relate to or rather the leads are quite complex creatures themselves=P Maybe cuz they are like me?? haha...And to see how Aisaka becomes more chummy and demure with Takasu is seriously...OMG...kawaii neh!!
There were some really cool phrases that crop out in the anime as well. An example is in episode 9 especially. There is this talk between Minorin and Takasu. The topic was on whether one believes in the supernatural. And the notion of that was related to love. " When someone believes in ghosts and they see one, they will also be shocked. There are some who will continue to think that they dont exist even though they can see it, but there are some who will see it because they try their best. That's why you can never be sure that you will not see it. "I think it applies to a lot of stuff in life as well.=)
It really shows a lot of the mysteries of love and all and sometimes it just really catch u unaware . Its really good right ??There are also a lot of being young and the thinkings of students whom haven't yet come out to face the world. Actually, everytime I watch anime, I always think why I love anime so much. Then I remembered GK talking about escapism...how everyone likes to live in their own fantasies and that animes shows that in a comical and yet there is a sense of realism in it. So maybe thats why people like us loves it...
Takasu: Is just your typical guy but with a delinquent look. He can cooks and more of a housewife than a delinquent, plus he has an obsessive nature with cleaniness. He has a crush on minorin. And he is quite intellectual though he sucks totally on EQ or rather insensitive lor. Even when Aisaka quite obviously likes him , he also dunno.
Aisaka: She is a rather short girl. She is aggressive and short temper with a 'killer' look. But actually deep inside, she is also like every normal girl but she cannot or rather not good at expressing herself. Her crush is kitamura. Her best friend is minorin, and she knows that both of them likes each other but she couldnt help liking takasu in the end. She tried to push both takasu and minorin together but eventually the plan failed.
Kitamura: He is like the perfect guy in the whole school. He used to likes Aisaka in the past but was in a way rejected by her. He joined the student council so that he can forget about the rejection and in the end fell in love with the president of the student council. Eventually, showed the vulnerable side of his when he was rejected and everyone found out that he is also quite ordinary. However there is no denying his organisation and admin capabilities.
Minorin: One word to describe her. WEIRD. loves to spaced out at times. Good at most sports and is forever optimistic and cheerful. Also likes takasu but was afraid of showing out to him. At times she can be real intellectual and that she cares a lot about Aisaka and would rather give Takasu to Aisaka. Oh and she is equally good at playing dumb and faking her true feelings.
Kawashima: A late addition to the group. She is a talented and hot model. She also likes Takasu as well but she knew that Takasu only likes Minorin. She also can see that Aisaka and Minorin both likes Takasu as well. She is a very mature person and can see the whole situation unlike everyone else. She also has a complex issue within herself as she sometimes felt left out cuz she is too mature and not like the same wavelength as everyone else at times. Hates people that dont show their true feelings , especially Minorin.
Its truly a wonderful show. Or maybe cuz I can relate to it?? haha...I always like shows that one can relate to or rather the leads are quite complex creatures themselves=P Maybe cuz they are like me?? haha...And to see how Aisaka becomes more chummy and demure with Takasu is seriously...OMG...kawaii neh!!
There were some really cool phrases that crop out in the anime as well. An example is in episode 9 especially. There is this talk between Minorin and Takasu. The topic was on whether one believes in the supernatural. And the notion of that was related to love. " When someone believes in ghosts and they see one, they will also be shocked. There are some who will continue to think that they dont exist even though they can see it, but there are some who will see it because they try their best. That's why you can never be sure that you will not see it. "I think it applies to a lot of stuff in life as well.=)
It really shows a lot of the mysteries of love and all and sometimes it just really catch u unaware . Its really good right ??There are also a lot of being young and the thinkings of students whom haven't yet come out to face the world. Actually, everytime I watch anime, I always think why I love anime so much. Then I remembered GK talking about escapism...how everyone likes to live in their own fantasies and that animes shows that in a comical and yet there is a sense of realism in it. So maybe thats why people like us loves it...
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