Wednesday, November 09, 2005

WOOHOO!!!!!! PROJECT WORK is finally over!!!

Whoa....the year passed so fast and now I have already compeleted my PW Oral Presentation. Actually, today's presentation was only so-so lor and almost all of us under-perform, for some weird reason or another... even Francios our best speaker also got a bit of problem...but overall not bad coz i think we did quite well compared to the next 2 groups..... However like the saying goes THE BALL IS anything can still happen lor...hopefully can do well lor=)

Well, now it's finally the holidays....whew!!! What year it has been for me....since 1st 3 months all the way to my stay in CJC....Now its mine holidays already....

Recently, i have been playing a game called BATTLE FOR MIDDLE EARTH, and the verdict is ............drum rolls............DAMN NICE LAH 10/10....although one needs a really good graphic card but it is really nice...but dont play the EASY mode..cos it is really really easy. The audio sounds are also very nice lor...haha

Also, recently starting to play some Warcraft but so far still ok lah, the graphic are quite good lor...haha. But I dont find it that interesting than BFME, though Warcraft 's graphic is nicer...haha bet many DOTA and WOW gamers will disagree with me that...haha

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