Sunday, October 20, 2013

About Time, Moments and the small things in Life

Today went to watch the movie About Time with Cat, its been highly rated by most of my friends, hence wanted to watch it. Also, its a a romantic comedy so think Cat won't be too bored by it. Its a typical British Rom com , with their witty comments and how British english is used. And like all its predecessor, " LOVE ACTUALLY", its the same producer btw, the camera shots have plenty of the wonderful British Scenery.

In my opinion, its not really so much of a romantic comedy, but of a father son love, the ability to go back in time and change, would you have done it any differently? It also shows that sometimes going back in time, will not change anything.

And like the part where the male lead wanted to change his sister's life so that she will lead a more fulfilling life had she not met the jerk. Only to realise that by doing that, his life will also be altered in a way or another, there is no ideal situation, one have to give in order to receive. And that we can never interfere with another's life, eventually, that person has to change his/her self.

I think the entire movie main moral is " Either this or that, something have to be sacrificed for something else to be given" and a lighter moral is that " Life is given to you in such a manner, whether its good or bad, its up to you"

I guess the movie is not as well developed like Love Actually, and that there were a lot of parts which were left too unattended, as there could be more development there. I think for me, something that struck me a bit deep, is to really live each day as if the next day will never come. And appreciating the small things in life.

Its all the small acts that really touched me, her eyes when she looks at me always make me melt a little, her lying on my shoulder when she is tired and...this is going to stoke up her ego, even her light slap at my tummy ...also make me laugh. So, its really all these small little things that goes a long way. These things that make me want to put her needs first before mine and that to protect her as best as I could possibly can.

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