Sunday, May 17, 2015

The world behind the walls

As always, long chats with samantha is always a treat for the senses. Ranging from a variety of topics. From worldly to the imaginable future, very intense. Which brings me to this anime that was my favourite last year.

kyojin no shingeki. Aka Attack of the Titans.

Summary is that humans boarded themselves behind huge walls that separate themselves between the man eating titans. I remember a scene that the protagonist listened to stories of wide open seas and High reaching mountains and he was stirred to see them. To be free of the walls. Even if it will kill him.

So hearing stuffs from samantha, listening to her on economic issues, the currency shortage, the things on a bigger scale. It always give me the feeling that the world is so big, there are so many fascinating unchartered places out there. Like the world is beyond the walls around me, there is another world out there. It might be scary and you can be killed out there. However, I believe that humans are meant to roam the earth, there are greater stuff out there and even though it's possible to even be killed, some will venture out there instead of just purely staying behind those walls.

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