It has been ages since I last wrote here. I started this blog as it was the in thing back in 2005. Little did I know it will aid me greatly in my mental health as a diary through out the years. As time passes, the objective for this blog was ever changing. It soon became a way for me to reach out to Samantha back in 2007 after I was rejected by her. Again as time passes, it became my treasure trove or pensieve for all my thoughts. Subsequently, the posts got lesser. As I grew older, the notion of blogging seems to be dwindling. Pig and Cat seems to have also stop blogging. These days, I don't think anyone comes by you anymore, even Samantha has stop blogging for awhile. I tried to switch back to another app called Journey, as it is more private.
However, I think you and me have some unfinished business, my friend. Do you want to know why I named you 'Imladris' ? Imladris is the sole haven for the wise and immortal elves living in Middle Earth. Its a haven for all living beings and mortals away from the weariness of the world. It is a place to rest,recharge and to seek counsel. And, my friend, you have been the Imladris of my life, I have rest, cry , smile and manage to find counsel in you. Your archives allowed me to time travel and reach back to the old me, me when I was young, more in tune with my intuition, at the same time, to see the youthful foolishness in my young self. I am already 27 going to 28, my old friend. it has been a decade since we came together. It feels long isn't ? Yet I feel young again, writing to you seems to have reverse time and that I have a good deal left in my finite lifetime.
There is another adventure awaiting us over the horizon, would you come with me on this journey, old friend ?
"“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
―Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings
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