Sunday, September 02, 2018

Emerging from the Darkness

Finally, let it out.

The previously post was pretty dark eh...I just had to let it out and I felt better about it. Its akin to those scenes in movies where the leads always have to shout at oblivion or the oceans. Just shouting. I think its cathartic to just shout or in this case, just type it out without being bounded by any boundaries unlike in reality. It's like an acknowledgement , the nodding of head to oneself that I am not perfect and that there is really something wrong with me.

Now that I have acknowledge it. So now what ?

Well for a start, I think and I am sure whoever is reading this, will tend to also agree. I need to have a change in my life. To start having the idea of change slowly replace the strands of fear/worry in my soul. To start weaving strands of change into my life's fabric.

First up I will need to change my wake up routine. To incorporate some exercise early in the morning. To maybe learn new things,read or study a bit. Maybe also to meditate. To be grounded and at peace.

Learn to see the day as 3 parts. Morning,Afternoon and Night. Take it that one is starting each day when one wakes up, after lunch and then end of work. In everyday, there are 3 beginnings. Smile at the each beginnings as it is the start of a brand new portion of the day.

Tuesday, I have an interview for a fund administrator. Its not my first choice but it will be a good pay jump plus greater exposure within the mutual funds products. The goal of this interview is to hone my skills and try to get the job.

I know that one day I will make it, I will be in the advisory role that I always wanted.

Eugene Yap
Investment Counsellor
CFA, Bsc Economics & Finance

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