This year's NDP was the first year that I am catching it in the comfort of my home/grandma's house. For the past 2 years, I have been always at ground zero. 2007 was doing logistics support at NDP because it is done by engineers and there are no complaints with being involved in the VIP section as well as always skip trainings to help out with logistics support=P. 2008 volunteered to do security coverage because of 2 off days...haha...and its damn boring of course. So never really be able to catch the NDP at all lor.
Somehow while watching it this year, found it to be rather arty plus it involves the culture of our nation and our history though its a bit. I kinda forgot that before raffles there is this guy called sang nila utama that set foot on this place earlier.Lol. So its quite good to have the NDP to once in awhile refresh our memories about our singapore history.
Some says that its propaganda which I tend to agree...but however I have another way of seeing it. Let me bring u back into time, where the dinosaurs still roam. Humans were in small groups and obviously is a scattered bunch of species here and there. Now, in every of this groups, there will always be a tou(aka leader)Every now and then, or before each hunt, the 'tou' will always give a rally/pep talk. The elders will always share true stories(which will eventually become myths/legends) about whoever did this brave thing, about events to the younger ones. Of course all these differs from various groups. And what do u all classified this? Propaganda. So since long ago, propaganda can be seen as a way to unite a group of people and to justify a cause/to create an identity. However, of course propaganda means using selective information to lead us to a particular cause, which sounds very much like manipulation. Hence, propaganda must be used for the right cause if not then its definitely very much like manipulation. Again this will heavily depends on the propagandists, are they the good or bad?
Therefore in a way, NDP every year could be seen as a rally point for our citizens as well as to come and appreciate the 44 years of our history on this island. Oh and of course, the showcase of our military strength year after year-_-"""...haha.Oh one more thing, the government never seriously control our media/knowledge from overseas unlike some nations elsewhere hence it ain't that bad. Ok i sound very pro-gov. haha...but of course there are other things that I felt that the gov. can improve and felt that some laws are well..plain redundant. I guess in life there is always give and take right? to receive one, u got to throw another away.
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed
Actually the above pic is just something that I grab from the net..haha...and coincidentally the wordings are quite apt.Haha...Well, on saturday I woke up to find myself rather emo and hence the title: Waking on the wrong side of the bed...lolz. When I woke up, such thoughts flow thru my mind:"Why am I still single?", "Did I make any mistake in the past?", " Will the future be dull?" and this and that. Hence, it ain't the best start of a saturday anyone can have. Met up at night with ting han, was hoping can have a long chat with him but turn out that eventually he had to leave early cuz of family matters. So didnt really talk with him much, but enough to lift my spirits up a bit=). Went to the old place and just think it thru lor. Saw sam and paul though, but I guess that because they saw a bugger at the place they went further down. So I took a walk lor, walking is good seriously, I can definitely think better when walking around rather then sit down and do nothing. Anyways, so was talking to myself throughout(like mother like son...ROFL), came to realised that certain things I had been avoiding again=,=. And also another thing about conforming to the norm. Or rather my reasons for conforming isn't very good as well. Rmbr shannen told me something that she doesn't believe that life is boring, she will never describe hers as boring even if she ain't doing anything. She is the kind that sees a silver lining in every dark clouds. So after an hour walk and reasoning with myself, I sort of settle it within myself...but the flow of thoughts I had already forgotten liao...hehe...
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