Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tale of The Three Brothers
Hundreds of years ago, the three Peverell brothers were travelling at twilight, and reached a river too dangerous to traverse. The three brothers, being very powerful wizards, simply created a bridge across the river. They were then stopped by Death himself, who was displeased that they had gotten across the river, thus cheating him out of new victims. Death then congratulated them on being clever enough to evade him, and offered each of them a powerful magical item. The first brother, Antioch Peverell, wished to become invincible in duels; Death broke a branch off a nearby tree and created for him the Elder Wand, a wand more powerful than any other in existence. The second brother,Cadmus Peverell, wished to resurrect his lost love; Death then took a stone from the riverbed and created for him the Resurrection Stone, a stone capable of bringing the dead back to the living world. The third brother, Ignotus Peverell, realised the danger of the situation and requested a means by which Death could not find him; Death grudgingly gave him the cloak off his back, the Cloak of Invisibility, an invisibility cloak that never lost its power through curses or age.

Just caught the Harry Potter with cat, DML and nurul. Somehow it seems rather nice so far, maybe its because I can't remember the story le...haha..but at least the director for this time, put it in such a way that an ignorant watcher would at least understand the general gist of the movie. The above story is the main childhood stories which is based on the actual deathly hallows that really had exist( in the story ah..not reality=P)

Somehow, I find this story to be really interesting, well to me that is lo. I am rather fascinated by it. Hmm...maybe its the reason to deal with death, or the reason that the moral of story is just to be calm, humble and see the bigger picture. If we were able to rephrase the 1st and 2nd brother, it would be Arrogance(Ego) and Regret respectively. 

Arrogance(Ego). I think most of us have a certain amount of ego inside when eventually it will undo us in the end. Just like the 1st brother, he brag so much and showed off so much that others start to desire the Elder Wand,and that eventually he was killed. Of course in reality, even if you are the ultimate bragger, the chances of you being killed though may be high relatively but still remote. But the issue here isn't really a lot on arrogance, its the Ego. The mini-me in everyone, the pettiness in each of us(come on, everyone has one in you=P)....and this petty self will show in ways more than just arrogance. It could be anger, could be can even be self-pity. And because of such emotions, we may be falsely lead to be irrational and end up doing things that may eventually hurt oneself. Dumbledore, who eventually possessed the elder wand, didn't use it in a blatant manner. He could have say he has the most powerful wand ever and that he is able to do good with it. He was easily the most powerful guy on earth, but he resisted himself being placed in positions with power, because although his objective is to do good, but eventually the power will be his downfall. I think we humans, are never good with handling of power in our hands, regardless how noble or good our intentions are. Maybe primarily its due to our genetic programming to be domineering thats why we are the dominant species on this planet. So should we stop being dominant and just do good for the community? to be tolerant and to accept things as they are? I think the answer is a flat no. Because try telling yourself that, with our current society norms and all, I really don't think its possible to squash the Ego. 

Regret. favourite topic. haha...on contrary belief, I really think that we humans really like regrets a lot. We are always talking about them, like " do you have any regrets in life?" " My regret is....." To tell you all, I also have regrets, I have always hoped I had done certain things earlier, more decisive or just the plain notion of doing it. Maybe to some, I don't seem to have any but those whom had hang around long enough will know. Regrets can be defined as a longing for what has already past. Just the story of the resurrection stone which was the 2nd brother's wish, clearly epitomizes that. His inability to let go of the girl that he likes, in the end resulting in unhappiness on both sides because the girl's soul don't belong in the living world and the brother is not happy because she is not happy. Hence I think one should not dwell so much on regrets and must learn to let go( of cuz saying is easy). Cuz, regrets are like a hallucination in a desert, where we knows that we can never alter history, well simply cuz its already history. 

Finally, on to the 3rd brother. I don't think I will talk much about him being wise and all to see through Death's plans. Rather I like the last portion where he decided to pass the cloak to his son and finally unveil himself to Death and faced him like an old friend and ready to depart due to old age. If we look at this in a macro view, eventually all three brothers died. One thing to note is that the 3rd brother accepted death but he didn't want to die soon so he chose that wish. So, the word here is Acceptance. I don't mean acceptance in the sense that, if you suppose to do something but it seems difficult then one just says " Damn its difficult, I accept that its difficult, lets just quit". To me, Acceptance is more like I tried this 3 times, all 3 times failed, so I accept that maybe my method is wrong or truly I just cannot handle the task given. Like what a lot of self-help books says, to accept death is to live. Maybe to accept is to let go. Let go the fear of death. Let go the pain. Let go the obsession. And things like that lo. 

This entry has been rather long...oks its freakin long....sorry for it..haha. Though I will have to applaud you for sitting through this entire entry, if u managed to read this at the end. If you don't understand, its alright cuz I dont think I phrase it in a very "easy to understand" manner...haha. These are stuff that I picked up from reading and thru some personal experiences lor, I don't think I am able to practiced those that I had highlighted above. But, I think as long as one try to observe and incorporate a little each day...i think it will make life a little more bearable.=)


sam said...

eugene doesn't change. LOL.

Eugene said...

haha...i am sure you dont understand what I wrote right=P