Yesterday, the heavens poured,as if the heavens are weeping as well. Citizens wept, kneeled, shouted but resolute, in the pouring rain.
In the comfort of my newly minted executive condominium, I sense that the whole island had stop. This was a Sunday, a day where families hang out and where groceries are bought. None of these had happened, not since 9am in the morning. No traffic was heard, no sounds of kids even the birds seems to be on mourning. At 1230pm, the funeral procession started. The rain poured heavily, my mother exclaimed that the people will definitely retreat into the shelters to step back. In my heart, I kinda mock at her, that today it wont happened, today is not the day that we Singaporeans will backed away from the elements. We will stand resolved and resolute in the rain, even for just a few seconds with the man. And I was right, countless Singaporeans stand strong and upright, offering help to the needy. The students in their ponchos and uniforms soak to their skins, stand and brave the elements. A couple of old men stood upright and tall amidst the torrential rain, oblivious to the fact that the probability of them falling sick have increased. It's as if they found their youth back, salutes given to the man were strong and respectful with am upright back.
As the cortege passed, shouts of "Lee Kuan Yew", "Thank you, Mr Lee" were shouted and renditions of our favourite national day songs were sang. Petals were thrown over the casket, flowers were strewn over the roads and our national flag, the crescent and stars were waved. I noticed that as the strong wind blows, our flag looks magestic as it was held aloft. Traffic stopped on the opposite roads as people got out of the cars and wanted to be part of history.
One consistent images that had struck me the most through out this passing week. Was that of our Pioneer Generation, especially the men, who had saluted to Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I remember telling cat that I felt it's not right to salute because LKY is not from the army and as soldiers we only recognised the state flag, our constitution and the armed forces. However, after these passing week, LKY and his team are Singapore and will always be. In that sense, a salute is appropriate. I have always believe that a man's salute and the way he carry himself including the speeches he give, says a lot of the person character. The salutes I have seen from these old timers were of great substance and were filled with respect for the extraordinary man.
To see Mr Chiam, being allocated a place in the procession was also heart warming. This man would not have held on to Potong Pasir GRC, for so long if he does not have the capabilites as a leader. Though he hardly won any fights or debates with LKY, I could see that he was a gentlemen. I can not say so much of LTK, but let's not be drawn in that direction.
As the cortege made its way to the UCC(university cultural centre), the final stage for Mr Lee have begin. I look outside and saw that most of my neighbours were glued to the screen, watching intently. I sat through for the first 4 eulogies, felt that PM Lee gave one of his finest speeches ever in his political career. Maybe like what my uncle had commented, his chains have finally been free from his dad. I view it as that Singapore have been left to him to shoulder on, to carry forward. I forecast that we are going to see a slightly stronger PM Lee in the next few years.
When the minute of silence was observed, I sat down and closed my eyes. I say my thanks and gratitude to the man, who have gave me a much comfortable starting point in life. When the pledge was said, my self conscious crept in, as I am afraid of losing face in my family. However when the state flag was shown and the national song was sang, I realised how cowardly I was. I stood up and Ernest commented on that. I gave a lame excuse and said that it's the state flag.
I stood in a "ser nang di ri "position (don't know how to write in malay), and stood upright in front of the TV. In my heart, I sang the national anthem.
Once the wreaths were placed and all was done, the last post and all, it's the end of the ceremony.
It marks the end of an era. Our tiny island began to come back to life. And as our pragmatism rang through, life goes on.
This morning, I woke up late and felt a little lost. The same feeling when Ah Gong passed away. I wander around the house, taking in the beauty of my condominium, the blue skies and clouds that floated past, the greenery of the trees around us. I thank LKY for it in my heart, I see his legacy all around us, it's like he never truly left us. I remember I thought to myself that my Ah Gong had never left us too, I have his genes and blood, I am the living embodiment of my grandpa.
As I read the final articles in the papers of him, I look out of the balcony and felt a sense of clarity and a renewed faith in my people.
For this is my home, my uniquely Singapore. If you ask me what sort of freedom I have, I would have shouted "Merdeka". Only this kind of unique freedom, you can find only here and no where else.
To Mr Lee, you have once again rallied and United a nation. You did so on 8th August 1965, you had done so again on 23rd March 2015.
Sir, we will keep defending and believing in this country for which you had believed in so strongly. MAJULAH SINGAPURA!
Farewell, Sir.

In the comfort of my newly minted executive condominium, I sense that the whole island had stop. This was a Sunday, a day where families hang out and where groceries are bought. None of these had happened, not since 9am in the morning. No traffic was heard, no sounds of kids even the birds seems to be on mourning. At 1230pm, the funeral procession started. The rain poured heavily, my mother exclaimed that the people will definitely retreat into the shelters to step back. In my heart, I kinda mock at her, that today it wont happened, today is not the day that we Singaporeans will backed away from the elements. We will stand resolved and resolute in the rain, even for just a few seconds with the man. And I was right, countless Singaporeans stand strong and upright, offering help to the needy. The students in their ponchos and uniforms soak to their skins, stand and brave the elements. A couple of old men stood upright and tall amidst the torrential rain, oblivious to the fact that the probability of them falling sick have increased. It's as if they found their youth back, salutes given to the man were strong and respectful with am upright back.
As the cortege passed, shouts of "Lee Kuan Yew", "Thank you, Mr Lee" were shouted and renditions of our favourite national day songs were sang. Petals were thrown over the casket, flowers were strewn over the roads and our national flag, the crescent and stars were waved. I noticed that as the strong wind blows, our flag looks magestic as it was held aloft. Traffic stopped on the opposite roads as people got out of the cars and wanted to be part of history.
One consistent images that had struck me the most through out this passing week. Was that of our Pioneer Generation, especially the men, who had saluted to Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I remember telling cat that I felt it's not right to salute because LKY is not from the army and as soldiers we only recognised the state flag, our constitution and the armed forces. However, after these passing week, LKY and his team are Singapore and will always be. In that sense, a salute is appropriate. I have always believe that a man's salute and the way he carry himself including the speeches he give, says a lot of the person character. The salutes I have seen from these old timers were of great substance and were filled with respect for the extraordinary man.
To see Mr Chiam, being allocated a place in the procession was also heart warming. This man would not have held on to Potong Pasir GRC, for so long if he does not have the capabilites as a leader. Though he hardly won any fights or debates with LKY, I could see that he was a gentlemen. I can not say so much of LTK, but let's not be drawn in that direction.
As the cortege made its way to the UCC(university cultural centre), the final stage for Mr Lee have begin. I look outside and saw that most of my neighbours were glued to the screen, watching intently. I sat through for the first 4 eulogies, felt that PM Lee gave one of his finest speeches ever in his political career. Maybe like what my uncle had commented, his chains have finally been free from his dad. I view it as that Singapore have been left to him to shoulder on, to carry forward. I forecast that we are going to see a slightly stronger PM Lee in the next few years.
When the minute of silence was observed, I sat down and closed my eyes. I say my thanks and gratitude to the man, who have gave me a much comfortable starting point in life. When the pledge was said, my self conscious crept in, as I am afraid of losing face in my family. However when the state flag was shown and the national song was sang, I realised how cowardly I was. I stood up and Ernest commented on that. I gave a lame excuse and said that it's the state flag.
I stood in a "ser nang di ri "position (don't know how to write in malay), and stood upright in front of the TV. In my heart, I sang the national anthem.
Once the wreaths were placed and all was done, the last post and all, it's the end of the ceremony.
It marks the end of an era. Our tiny island began to come back to life. And as our pragmatism rang through, life goes on.
This morning, I woke up late and felt a little lost. The same feeling when Ah Gong passed away. I wander around the house, taking in the beauty of my condominium, the blue skies and clouds that floated past, the greenery of the trees around us. I thank LKY for it in my heart, I see his legacy all around us, it's like he never truly left us. I remember I thought to myself that my Ah Gong had never left us too, I have his genes and blood, I am the living embodiment of my grandpa.
As I read the final articles in the papers of him, I look out of the balcony and felt a sense of clarity and a renewed faith in my people.
For this is my home, my uniquely Singapore. If you ask me what sort of freedom I have, I would have shouted "Merdeka". Only this kind of unique freedom, you can find only here and no where else.
To Mr Lee, you have once again rallied and United a nation. You did so on 8th August 1965, you had done so again on 23rd March 2015.
Sir, we will keep defending and believing in this country for which you had believed in so strongly. MAJULAH SINGAPURA!
Farewell, Sir.