Thursday, March 28, 2024

Can pride buy you Mcdonald's

 I have been hearing work stuffs from Cat on the differences in between how SG office and Aus office approach their work. One is like very customer centric and the other is more of "Self worth and that if you are difficult, then we rather not have the business".

The common client that both office(s) have are pretty big so I can understand why SG office who is the main point is more of a " will do anything to keep this client" kind. TBH, I totally agreed on this. It kinda took me back to my army days where we have this saying " What's pride ? Can pride buy you Mcdonald's? ". It's that kind of practicality mindset that made us Singaporean or Asian I guess. Regardless of how life is more chill here and basically here is more of an Employee paradise I might add, but I see that Cat is more frustrated because the staff here are more me first rather than the work. Frankly, I think I would suit it here because my professional life and private life is more split up. The thing that kind of makes me feel uneasy is that is this a mindset that should I ever have kids want to be raised in ? In any case, Cat don't feel right here so no point bah. 

In a way, I also see it as do I want to be part of a country that I feel that has a direction or should I say there's a progression vs a country where I feel is trying to fix the missteps that previous governments or leaders had caused. Maybe I am trying to psycho myself why I am going back to a more stressful and judgemental society ...haha 

In general, I feel that here kind of feel like back in BNP, where again no progression, nothing to look forward, in terms of a future for this country. Too many things don't change or rather it's taking a long time too and I feel that we are in a world where things are moving fast and that sooner or later, one will get left behind if we don't evolve. Maybe it's a scarcity there is no way but forward as compared to a society which have a back up, like if this doesn't work out there is always something else or maybe there's always agriculture. 

Being here has led me to be take care more of the food that we consumed as we usually eat home and the produce here are relatively cheap and fresh as compared to Singapore. In Singapore, we have too easy access to food already, with all the malls and the hawker centres nearby. I hope to be able to cook or make my own food once I am back in the rat race again as I feel that eating home cooked food definitely helps with mental and physical health also. 

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