Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Focus. Insecurities. Future.

Yesterday, my stats lecturer whom I think is quite zai compared to my other teachers, said something like this " No great man will ever talk about their achievements, only an insecure person will talk a lot about themselves". Then, he used our all time well-known LKY as an example. LKY got a lot of PHDs, numerous awards...but it wasn't usually highlighted by himself. Bill gates and warren buffett never talk about how many billions they have.

It causes me to think that...hmm...hey thats rather true. A person will only confide in another or stuff, because only when he/she is unsure(insecure) about the situation or event that is happening in their lives. I used to think that by opening up about a lot of things about oneself is the way to go because its the way to socialize around, cuz last time in JC there was a friend of mine that always goes around telling people about his stuff and somehow he seems to have a lot of friends. Well, being the young naive then, thought thats how I should be as well. But in the end, the introvert in me still wins to a certain extent and I never managed to open up as much as him but just enough to know more friends.

Then, I was thinking about myself that actually I had been a rather insecure person as well...its not entirely because of muddy but rather me as a whole. I don't know whether I make the right decision, the way I want to move forward, the current me...and stuffs like these. It just seems that I am totally afraid of the future and what it might bring, whether I can still be the same me as I grew up...and all those things lor. I had thought of lots of plans, but I am unsure/lazy to carry them out...I am afraid of giving up the other side of things yet I know that this the way to go...Conclusion of the story: I am going to work on focusing and staying true to what I believed no matter what the situation dictates.

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