Human relationships are one of the more obscure things in life that one can never find a way to explain. One human may see it in this way, whereas the other will see it in other way. the difference between girls and guys mindsets. Parents and children. Well, it seems that everything links back to perceptions.
I used to have this mindset that in a relationship, as long as one side tries his/her best in it, then everything will turn out fine. I thought that as long as I keep trying, tune myself to the situation then everything will turn out the way I expected it. And thats pretty much sums up my direction in life. I remember Jo sent me this song by westlife: ' Love takes 2'...somehow in relationships, it really is truly between 2 people and somehow I was so obsessed(why u so obsessed with me...Mariah carey song=P...haha) with wanting to be with tht someone and it leads to a cage and total illusion. Well, it is also a lot about accepting the other person for who they are, and about their choices and all...because its takes 2 to commit. It takes initiative from both sides to hold hands rite?...so ya...haha...thats something that I figure it out...but application is another issue all together rite??...haha
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