Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life junctions

Well then,  I just read finish Adventure Capitalist by Jim Rogers, as many of you will know, Jim Rogers is an investor as well as the creator of the Quantum Fund. It is really a very interesting book, it really puts everything into perspective and brings the world right into your very room. I won't go into the details of the book here, I think you got to read it to truly comprehend and fully appreciate the book. I would say that there had been 2 books that truly changed my life and lead me onto this path, one will be this book and the other will be Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. 

RDPD is the book that got me interested in asset classes, in understanding the importance of money as well as understanding the concept of investing. So, because of the book, I went to know more about stocks and investment, and found myself subscribed to the idea of Fundamentals or Value Investing, which leads me to Warren Buffett. Today, Jim Rogers lead me to have a greater insight and a more skeptical views about society and on the government and their actions. I began to question the various government moves as well as how does it impact on our country's underlying economy, as well as our society on the whole. And after having read zhenni's spiritual book by eckhart tolle, I began to see some correlations between things and the human psyche to some extend. It is real interesting. 

If only, they will teach all these stuffs in school, I wouldn't mind researching stuffs about it...But, luckily, I am no longer studying sciences which I never really fully subscribed to and all. In this society, I think paper qualifications really do count, so I have no choice but to make sure I do really well...and once I attain it, hopefully I can differentiate myself with this other 'subject' that I enjoy doing...

The only question now is application( the hardest part in all projects)

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