Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Stress At 16
Recently, there had been a rather big fight( or should I say COLD WAR), between my mum and ernie. Well because in the not too distant past, Ernie had been rather quiet and always like got a lot to think about. And we all know that when Ernie is quiet, he got this ' qian bian' face...or should I say, like angry at anything that talks to him. So, he hardly ever talks to us, and his schedule is pretty fixed...campcraft till late, come back home, study till late and every 20 minutes go onto facebook to maintain his status in his games(mousehunt and ghost trapper and fish wrangler). So, well in consecutive days, he didn't really speak much to my mum. But, I think we all know that he is kinda stress out. So...on sunday i think,  my mum disturb him a bit like ' why dont talk to me?' and all those stuffs in a sa jiao way...then u can see that Ernie a bit piss off le...so although  I did join in the fun, I also stop. Then, he said this in a very aggressive tone: " Dont disturb me already, I only have one word in my mind...and thats Pissed, I am really quite piss off'...Of course, when I heard that, I immediately glared at him. I told him before that no matter what our parents do or say, even if its wrong, we shouldn't reply in such a manner. He shut up...and my mum continue her 'disturbance' ( sort of zi zao lor>.<)...then Ernie storm into the room...then my dad say my mum that people don't want to talk, then also shouldn't go and ka jio them lor. Later at night, my mum was like ' if he don't want to talk, then don't talk lor
'....and she also went over to tell Ernie that...Of course, Ernie was like WTF...well, when he told me about it lah...

So well, this cold war carried over as of now it will be 48 hours. Apparently, every morning mum will go over and wake ernest up, but yesterday and today, she didn't and ernest woke up late ytd though I today wake him up myself lor. Then, he never took out his water bottle for dad to refill, so I take out lor...and when mum saw it, she was like 'why should U help him, and u always say i spoil him'...'if he dont treat me with respect, then why should i bother with him'...in the end, I never refill the bottle, just put it there lor...anws overnight water wont die de lah...

The night before, Ernest in the first time in 5 days( I think) was talking to me more than 5 sentences. He was telling me about how his studies now seems to be dropping, the lack of time, his campcraft commitments, and he don't understand why he can forget about stuffs that he seems to be able to understand the week before. He felt that he had hit a breakwall and that he has no way around it, and he is worried about the 237 days left before the O levels.He told me that he is somewhat is a perfectionist with his work, like if he finds his essay too messy during exam/test, he will re-do the entire essay even if he is already on the right track.  

Actually, it sort of make me feel that 'Hey, least he is worried about his O lvls'...I was still enjoying my basketball time after school and secondary life, playing pranks on the teachers with the class=P. He keeps blaming on things like STM(short term memory) and he keep saying he can't change his study style which is to  rewrite notes again and again before the exams. I think he found that his style is wrong or rather should I put it as inefficient, given today schedule, but he kept on insisting that his method is right...well, because it works for him. I told him that there is no such thing as STM happening out of the blue, I think it was due to his own pressure or mentally tired thats why his brain is reacting in such a way. I told him, to observe the pros, he also told me how the pros, just come in and hack care anything and seem to score damn high. I told him, one of the reasons is that they are confident and thats why their brain can function well and everything...but of course, they might have a genuine cleverness around them...but I think we can make up for that with hard work. He told me that he want to study with his friends outside, as he can ask questions and he is away from the computer. I told him , that its quite difficult given his age now, as mum will not allow it and he also acknowledge it...I told him to maybe try to stay after school and study since that will solve his computer addiction. He said that there will be no one to help him, cuz no one stay in school de. And he finds that some of his teachers are incompetent( I have no comment on this as I dunno anything)...He is actually quite smart to look for his best friend in St gab to pass him some notes to help him in subjects which he find the teacher to be lousy.  Overall, I think that he is really stress out and that he also knew that without a good O levels, its like the end of the world( of cuz it aint lah)...somehow I feel that its all about time management and know whats important, and learn how to balance it. However, I think being young at that age, its kinda daunting to have to deal with all of these problems. 

And there is also my mum's cold war that is going on...thats why I was kinda sympathetic towards him. But on hindsight, ernest from young have speak in a some what rude manner to both my parents, even though actually he cares for them and all. He is really straightforward towards them, and scold my dad when things dont go his way and sometimes say my mum in a not nice tone...I dunno whether is it the time to teach him that we should not bring our troubles home and unleash on our family members. At the same time, I would also like him to figure himself on how to solve the situation with my mum, hopefully he might find out the problem is only a word: Respect. Yet, at the same time, I don't want this to escalate into something that is long term. 

Hmm..i think I will not interfere and tell ernest wad mother wants and as for his studies stress, I will see how to make sure he got his confidence back and not let stress put him down...as for his method, I think its up to him to decide bah...

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