Saturday, September 02, 2006



Pre-lims are approaching but it seems that I havent reach the level of mugging that I was expected yet...and I dont seem very urgent it that I think I am ready or not...shucks man...hmm....dunno lah I think for now at least juz try to mug every day lor...haha lol... this weekend wish: to finish up the last 2 chapter notes for far today juz did my RJC paper for tuition finsh!!! yeah!!! but....nthg else again rather slack...but from monday onwards its prelims papers all the way liao...hoping my strategy works sia!!!!...haha..So have to do whatever I can do now to "stop the boat from sinking, and start rowing"=)...

I have been officially labled as a paedophile, a Garfield....OMG.....from mashimaro to patrick the starfish to Garfield the cat...( shaking head)...why cant anyone say...shuai was jkjkjk...haha amazing sia how many personalties that people can think of u...shocking man

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