She is back!!! OMG!!!!
On sunday, I had a rather huge shock cuz its like my uncle the ex. came back for a holiday in our dear old sunny island and she was at my ah ma hse. Then when 1st came in , she was like stunned and I was like else to say to someone whom u never seen for 10 years or so...apparently my uncle seems very stress lor..or rather serious lor..which he is rarely seen as. But she was as jovial as always in the past though=) I was like juz crapping ard as usual and suanning ppl cuz its like...hmm..well the atmosphere was quite like stiffening. Somehow, it sort of feel like between me and sam. becos my uncle and her talk like super long lost frenz and yet there is still some kind of special bond between them. Its not the way that they communicate in that I find similar but rather something else that juz makes me feel that we 4 are similar. Although I dunno what happened between them, but seems like my uncle never really let go of the past.....evident that he didnt seems to have a galfren in the past 6 years...or me it juz seems so surreal though....weird to the max sia...
On sat. nite, I was so bored that I went straight to sleep damn sianz and a bit msg me as she needed a talk...but I didnt knw and was fast asleep in dreamland. Next day, on msn say will call me to tell me the prob. in the end say dun need as dun have the urge to talk liao. In the end, I still call her lor...haha...go and say her tht she made me w8 for the whole day for her call which never came.
Found out that she was very stress with her taekwando training and apparently a few seniors have taken a liking to her...and some made their moves in a very funny manner....according to me not my juz touch a bit on yan...and others the stupid question of " Who are u going to save ? ur gf or ur mum?"....hah wu liao the question to me we basically chatted from 930 to 1110 long sia...found out that she is always the comparing type of gal...somehow I found it amusing that she never compare me with the other guys even though I thot my actions in the past were super obvious was right after all...she is someone that u cannot juz like her, she muz like u de....if not no point continuing sia...Anw talking to her in a position of a good fren, to me is much simpler then in a position of someone who like her....maybe in the end, I wasnt really interested in her at me....I am still in a trying to get to knw her better stage and anw being in NS is rather diff. to jio if anything truly came out of this stuff, seriously is quite a bonus....anw gaining another gd fren is nt a bad thing...ahaha...
I think I really changed liao....when come to such stuffs I dun tink as much as in the past jiao qong song lor me these days, is usually wat to do during my free time lor....kinda bored nowadays. Not so stress like last year, where everytime I am always moody thinking of sam. .....nowadays its like juz relaz lor..chill......haha...there are still a lot of gems that haven been discovered yet=D
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