Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ideal vs Reality

Although this sounds pretty demoralizing or in some ways emo, sadly the world is never what we hoped to be. First thing first, is to define what do we mean when we use the word "world". In this case, world will be the society and people that surrounds us, a world where we live in and how we view and experience. I am sure that as we all grow older, we all found out through some way or another that the world that we all hoped to be, in our own unique and quirky minds, will never be found in the world that we lived in. To some, there might not be much difference. To others, it might means a totally 180 degrees from our 'ideal world'.

Let me share with u all, what is my 'ideal world'. My ideal world is that by now I should either be in a long and steady relationship or I should have already an ex. I should be studying in a local university. I should be involve in hall activities, involve in orientation camps. I should be in an investment cca. I should be fit and passed my IPPT. I should be seriously into the concept of investing and trading. I should be able to keep my room neat and tidy. I should be able to think rationally. I shouldnt be feeling lost every now and then. I should be...

If I were to compare my current world with the above ideal world, I think I am rather far off where I had envision myself to be in the past. Of course, there are definitely some things which I had been able to achieve, to be able to move on from the past, to be a bit more sociable, to have a bit more faith in myself.

I remember sam telling me that I had somehow understand the meaning of 'change'. Now on hindsight, I don't think I had actually understood it. I don't mean that I don't fully comprehend it, but more of applying it. I still do have those niggling feelings when things weren't what it used to be. I sometimes cannot understand or accept some others' actions. Oks, maybe I should change the word to 'difference'. I cannot seem to understand that in this world, everything and everyone is different. Our ideal world and the real world are different.

Maybe I should try to empathize more with the real world and not try to blame it for not being similar to my ideal world. Maybe I should also throw away the notion of an ideal world, and start trying to accept the real world. However, I do know one thing is that I will always try to resist any conformity caused by the real world. Maybe its just me, but I am rather anti to people or society trying to impose their ways on me. I tend to question things lor.

Having said that, do we follow the world or do we do what we thinks its right?( note: we can be wrong)...

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