Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yesterday, went out with Jerrold to collect the Nike Race Pack 2010. Was rather disappointed with the pack this year, really cui ttm. Then went to OCBC building the burger king to mug. Well, tried to though eventually failed, cuz Jerrold was distracting me...haha..We shared a couple of things and I ended up asking a few questions about mental health to him. Well he studied psychology, so I got myself a free psychologist...haha

I was talking to him about my exam woes and stuff. Then we came upon a conclusion. And that I was rather very negative as a person. All along I always thought that it's just the exam stress and that I always thought to myself as a more positive person as compared to the past. But in actual sense, I didn't really change much. I put myself down when I didn't accomplished what I had set out to do. I thought by doing that I could push myself even more, but eventually its not the right way of pushing. Like Jerrold said, it should be a willingness from the person. Which got me thinking, am I pushing for something that is not what I want but more of what I believed that I should be going after. Let me give you an example, I want to drive. So I decided that I am going to drive a Ferrari, and I need to work extra hard to get the cash. But now, I realise that I just want to drive and that any normal car will do, without going thru the harsh process of attaining the cash. So, its along that line lor.

His suggestions were to listen to myself more and try to use the right words to talk to oneself. Lets see how

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