Thursday, October 07, 2010


I think many of you by now should have read the eulogies by the Lee family to their mum. There is this portion that struck me, it was the portion where Mrs Lee seemingly knew when her children are in need. I think telepathy does really exist, I don't think it as a supernatural thing or whatsoever. To me, telepathy is more like an instinct, is when you have spent a significant amount of time with this person as well as knowing a lot of this person, when telepathy really exist. It may even be as far-fetched as knowing something is wrong, a million miles away. During the prehistoric times, there is this particular group of dinosaurs that were able to communicate with each other using sonar, so it might be possible for other animals to somewhat achieve that as well but at a more subtle level. So maybe humans can also do it.

To me, I feel that everyone can do that as well...well to some extent that is. When I was younger, my mum knew I was in trouble for some reason that I can't remember, and I didnt even told her anything until she grilled me. At that time I thought someone might have told her, but I doubt so. Once, my heart felt uncomfortable, and I thought of my mum. Apparently that day, she suddenly fell sick or something. I think to me, the most telling signs were between me and sam. There was a period of time whenever She is sick, I also will be sick as well. And that I some what knew that she was in trouble or something even though we were like on different time zones then.

I came to a conclusion that when you are very close to someone, such things are quite possible, especially woman( with their sixth sense and stuff), cuz they are supposedly more in-tune with emotions. I feel that when one becomes more sensitive to feelings, surroundings and being calm. They are able to read others easily, just like why some meditation gurus or buddhist monks seems to be able to read people.

Maybe telepathy isn't so much about being psychic, its more about observance,gut feeling as well as a certain amount of love for that person and maybe experience also.

Sometimes, people said that kids and elderly are some how able to understand people well, like knowing when they are happy or sad. I think during the prime time of one's life, there is too many distractions that weaken our natural senses to some extent and that explains why when one is a kid or senior citizen, they are able to 'sense' things around them. So, age too plays a part i think.

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