Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Journal, given the current situation, it may seem that it is inappropriate for me to write. But, even with the incoming storm, its something I feel that I should write about. As we all known, taken an adventure into the unknown nature. Looking at the map that I have, there are a total of 5 phases that I had planned to move from  so to reach civilization.Phase 1 was an exact replica of a bunch of rocks that I had failed before in my last adventure walk. I am glad to say that I had cleared that area pretty well with the knowledge that I had acquired during my last expedition. The last entry on this journal was a time where I had taken an untimely long break and in some ways ended up in a storm.

But, I managed to reach the second checkpoint in time, though abet less prepared as the storm totally just rape through my tents and blocks of wood that I had erected to protect myself. Luckily, when a tree was hit by the lightning, it fell right in front of me thus protected me from the harsh winds. And, I made it through the night. Subsequently, I made my way towards checkpoint 3. As I was moving, the ground felt cooler and less bumpy, and I thought that well...maybe it might be a good sign. How wrong was I. In the front of me, lies a huge cliff that I had to scale, there is no way around it, nor under it as well. Its not the first time I had scaled cliffs, but somehow it felt unnatural at times. There were many times where I stopped and wonder how and which direction should I take. Maybe I should practised cliff climbing before I decided to take this journey, but I never expected a cliff to be in front of me now. As I kept climbing, my natural instincts were saying something is wrong, but I do not know what and climbing on a cliff that is 9 storeys from ground, its not like I could turn back could I? After scaling the cliff, I stood at the top and surveyed the surroundings.

Well it definitely seems that I was right. I am pretty off where I should be, but I don't think/ hope that  I am too far. Unfortunately, the next phase of the situation is a desert. And hallucinations are rife in the desert. But now its not the time to be despaired...if nt I am dead.

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