Sunday, May 08, 2011

Oks can't really concentrate for some reason. Dunno whether its because of election fever or wad. Somehow, there is no pressure on myself for this year, its like I am in " whatever" mode lo...maybe because from the start I know I won't fail but I also know that I am not in a level to score those high flying grades. Maybe because I had plan alternative plans if things don't turn up in my favor, or it could be that I got this " Anything can be solved" mindset I didn't heap any pressure on myself. Must be somewhere the fengshui nt right...hmm

It might be due to what I had discuss with zhenni the last time I met her. She said she can't really move on after student life because thats what she had mostly lived for. A life as a student. Which is to gain good grades, take part in CCAs, then graduate and find a job. Simple. However, after year 1 and a lesson by mark harris on the examinations that send a signal, I began to see examinations in a different light. I take it as a gauge on how well I know a particular module, though I have to admit I loathe memorizing stuffs but what to do. And in some ways, examinations are no longer the highest priority in my life anymore, I began to search for things that are more applicable to real life. Like CFAs, and other kinds of qualifications...of course, needless to say they also require grades....Maybe I need to rethink certain things during the holidays...oh wells..

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