Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I really like a quote from Gandalf in LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. " All We can do is to make use of the time that is left for us."

Its really inspirational isn't ? I don't know. To me it is lo. As like the previous post, I was afraid of so many things. The power of fear is really strong.Really. But, if we think about it from a more rational point of view, the fears are all nothing but build on the vines of uncertainty. Such uncertainties can cripple many of us, and the way it binds us to a spot. I had already done preparations for the papers, whether a not, its enough or its good enough. I have no idea. The only way is for me to take the paper and see the results. If at the end of the day, the results are not satisfactory, then I will have to try to beef up my other areas if I want to be more employable and send a stronger signal. Its like a trade-off. Last year, I had a breakdown and this year, I am determined to control my self. I don't want to be crippled by fear, but if I am really going to take a stumble or worse, or fall. Then so be it. At the end of the day, all these did not happen because of the past few weeks or something, its not short run at all. Its a problem with the entire semester, because of inconsistency and the pure lack of drive for my grades.

So, regardless of the time left, I can only make do with whatever is given to me.

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