Monday, June 20, 2011

More attention please...LOL

Recently, been thinking abt sam recently, been quite sometime since we last contacted, well I don't usually msg her de since she is kinda bz always and her schedule more she is someone whom I don't take initiative to contact or org any meeting and rather when she is free, then hopefully she will contact me. But sometimes, I do wonder whether as friends, I should do my part in contacting her. Or is it my pride that is pulling me back for some reason. I remembered she once mentioned that unlike her other friends, I don't give her the feeling that I need to be in some ways " taken care off" or should I put it, worried about...because she feels that I don't usually bother her with things and stuff...Oks fine, I feel neglected. lolz...told you all before I need attention de...lolz

Somehow, I can visualise her saying " I also hardly got time for other friends" kinda sucks to think that work and a difference in surroundings can cause some friends to be less involve in your life and it kinda sucks to sometimes think why the reason your close friend don't contact you. Is it because they are really bz? Or is it because of some insecurities?...Asymmetric Information favourite word.

To my other friends out there, I also need your attention ah...ROFL...seriously sounds like some kind of attention seeking whore...lolz...maybe like a certain hilton..haha

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