Monday, August 06, 2012

Awakening Of the Senses and the Soul

14days in South Korea. 8 Days in Seoul, 4 Days in Jeju Island, 2 Days in Busan. In a way, its a first for me in many ways. Travelling with Jianyang, travelling with a totally random strangers, zip-lining stunts and roaming the streets of Myeong-Dong on my own, horse riding and many other firsts.

Initally,it was kinda difficult, cuz JY and me got 2 very different travelling styles. I don't mind the long distances and crowds, but he will be bothered by it. I am oks with the people there, maybe cuz I don't really care whether people are crude or lack of manners, in the beginning, he needed some time in getting use to it. Went to many places in Seoul, visited places that tour buses won't bring you to in Seoul. Able to finally use some korean that was learnt, got used to their way of ordering stuff in restaurants and their cuisine there. Maybe if I am travelling on my own, I would spend more time at certain places...but then again, alone is too boring..ha. Should go along with Sam next time, must go with pretty similar character

Unlike Zhenni, I didn't really have much alone time, which I would like when I am travelling, like finding a nice cafe and sit down and just lost in my thoughts. Of course, this can be done in Singapore as well...but I figured overseas will be a totally different feeling. Going at your own pace and all, though of course the Singaporean in me, will feel that we need to be efficient and that must make full use of whatever available time is for us. The notion of not wanting to miss anything out.

I would say 8 days in Seoul would be too long of time, because Korea offers more stuff I guess, but then again there will always be places waiting to be found. To me, 5 days would be just nice. Its like Taipei in Taiwan, a few days will be alright. Weather in Korea was UBER HOT, make me more appreciative of Singapore Weather...with the rain and wind...haha. Got a nice healthy tan, though I know I will lose it within a few days. Summer sucks..haha.

I would say Jeju was awesome, though it was kinda rush in a way. Jeju really have awesome scenery and feels more like Hawaii or smthg, with its many peaks and that it was an island that was formed by a volcanic eruption, hence the many volcanic rocks around the area. Sunsets are always beautiful in that place, away from the bustling of modern cities like Seoul and Busan. Its a great place to retire and chill, feel and absorb the natural energies of those places. I guess camping at such places will be awesome and can see the stars in the sky as well, away from the light pollution in cities.

Food was awesome if you peeps are ok with the korean cuisine, to me I kinda like it though I can't stand it if its too spicy, but love their kimbab, best are those authentic street food that can be found in any parts of korea. Besides, if you are in seoul, no worries, there are tons of international cuisines that can be found there. As evident by the presence of Krispy Kreme donuts.

And Seoul is not a difficult place to travel free and easy as contrary to popular belief, seoul-lites are quite ok with chinese and japanese, though english is still some way off, but they do understand. Especially the younger generations. Besides, there are tourist guides (wearing red) at most tourist areas. If not, grab a map and start pointing at places...haha.

Pictures can be found on facebook..though I havent upload the Jeju ones because most of the more interesting ones with my other friends cameras. So got to wait for them to upload first..lolz

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