Thursday, March 25, 2010

Asymmetric Information and Ego

Today at work, there is this uncle who is a bit limping came in and demand to see a supervisor called Mr Lim. I asked him whats the problem and does he know the full name( in short: more info. about this Mr Lim). Then me and a perm staff ran a thorough check with him and found there ain't anything round. No compliance case. No Audit case. Nothing at all. The only thing he has to do is just to file his income tax for YA 2010. Apparently, we told him to wait for us to check it out, even the audit guy came down...then he started shouting saying that he want to see this Mr Lim, and how on earth are we going to find him, when we dont even know who and what is the problem. Even in the activities section, got no record or whatsoever. Then my PS and the audit guy handle le...I decided to siam a bit and took another TP. Then somehow, the TP just suddenly disappear, apparently he went to pick his son from school or something. And overall, the whole day wasn't really that smooth sailing because a lot of CT issues and I think I fumble a lot today...

On the way back, the word 'Asymmetric Information' pops up in my mind. I think because we have more information(with the system and our knowledge) and the uncle(with not much knowledge and should I say logic) does not have much information. Hence, it poses a problem because the uncle at times don't understand what we are telling him hence we cannot get our point across. Furthurmore, he does not know anything about this Mr Lim and so do we...again a lack of information.

Now, the other word 'Ego'. I think I don't need to put a link to this definition, think you guys should know. Somehow, I noticed this trend in people, while working in customer service for almost a year. I realise that people will not admit they are wrong, be it from benign to the extreme cases. It might be because of the 'Customer is always right' slogan being etched in all our minds, it might be due to public's view that Government is able to solve everything( of course thats why we elect them, to represent us, to solve issues that as individuals we cannot solve)...but I would like to highlight this: the government is also run by humans. And being human, there is always a limitations to things we do. As I was saying about Ego, people don't admit they might be wrong even though facts are laid down in front of them, and then they got all angry when things don't go their way( talk about showing childish tantrums).

If society could ever take a step back, to re-evaluate themselves, to accept the notion that as individuals, they could be wrong(provided that the info is provided on the table), I think maybe things could be done at a more efficient way and peaceful way. However, I think this is rather impossible. Why? Because this problem has been embedded from the elites all the way to the lower class of human society. From parents to children and it just goes on. I know its difficult, I think as Humans, all these are unavoidable and I will also react like this. But, in some cases, if we can just take a more objective view, maybe you will find problems become easier to solve and your blood pressure won't be rising so much.

Regarding information-wise, I think its better if we learn and understand some terms and conditions of whatever important to us. Issues like money, where to many of us, it is really important. To at least have some form of basic knowledge and things can be easier and quicker solve and one will know whether you are being scam or the customer service officer knows their stuff( I sometimes got pawn by such people, but they do have a point there, so I m willing to be silenced).

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