Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Romantic Farmer"

Recently, I realised that ernest have been rather close to this particular NPCC gal named Veena. Lolz...oks I got to admit...there was a bit of stalking involved( cuz I was using his account and playing CS and veena offline msg him) then I saw a bit of their conversation. lol...wonder there is anything between them...haha...

I read a friend's fb msg recently on love. She wrote: " Is Love Over-rated?". It is kinda thought provoking because well of cuz of the current status I am in. And was just going through the past, and the feelings of some loneliness and a bit of lousy-ness is it...No matter how much I want to just deny it, but I definitely feel like kinda sianz by it...lolz...maybe just giving up on such things would be a good idea?...haha

Wadsoever lah, anyways I got to 'woo' after my studies and to learn more about building up my assets column and on investing. Maybe 'love is over-rated' after all, given our media and social pressures around us...

And now at 11.55pm at night, ernest is again singing while listening on his ipod. I need my earphones.=.=

"I am a romantic farmer, always believing in what I sowed, but I will never reaped what I sowed" by Tai he in 珠光寶氣

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