Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nodame Cantabile

Yesterday, went to watch the above movie with the otaku group and kenneth. Its actually based on an anime and manga, initially I thought it might become another boys over flower because if it follows the drama...then its ultimate GG. But luckily its not, and there is a part two as at least there ain't much 'if u never watch the live drama, u lose out' moments. I like this part where the male lead was going on about 2 philosophers had said that everything encompasses the universe including music. And at the moment, I had a sudden revelation...I understood this phrase ' The world represents everything, Everything represents the world'. Because in everything that we know...maths to buildings to vehicles, in everything there is this common  laws, a lot of laws or theories that we known...'cause and effect' , ' perseverance, etc etc. So actually there isn't really a fixed law in the universe, there is no fixed thing in anything. We are just something that represents the whole universe, so are the insects and plants. Its like we are a music score, we are all part melody, a bad person may be a particular note, a good person may be another kind of note. Actually when I think about it, it sort of made me feel kinda small...that actually we are all just another species in this vast universe, another note in a particular melody. the melody of the universe. Everything is kinda of  a contradiction, this is so because as humans, we always want to have a base, a basis for us to identify ourselves with, such that we end up as another being, someone that is it u are an ultra good guy or a cruel killer. We are shaped because of the situations which force us to undergo a very strong bombardment of emotions that we identified ourselves with it. So as notes, we have actually diverted from our original sounds, to another kind of this wrong? are we going against the law? no one actually knows...but i think its because of our diversion, this is all part of the melody that is being played out...because as we all know, a melody or music is truly nice, when it is being put together it will sound really great. So when you think about it, we are all part of something and that for everything there is an underlying reason, but as for the reason, not every reason can be found. Maybe thats why those holy people can forgive people so easily and truly sincere in it, because they see it that its all part of the melody and that it was never fully their fault in being bad, but because of their emotions that changed them into being bad. On a macro note, it is also a part and parcel of the universe, the melody...

On a side note, although I realise all of these, but I am also just another note in this melody and I will also succumbed to my emotions and will be shaped by future situations as well...Btw if any of u who is reading this finds all these to be anything religious, or don't believe it, or find it too cheem...aiyah just take it with a pinch of salt...because this is just my view at a particular point of time.

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