Saturday, March 20, 2010


After watching a short portion of my London professor giving a lecture after the mock exams back in 2009, I seriously realise how far behind I am in my economics and I am ABSOLUTELY no where near his expectations of the kind of answers that he want from us. At best, with my current level, I can only get a pass...I remembered what zhenni had told me about reading the SG only instead of relying on notes and just now I just browse through the SG and I realise it looks kinda scary...damn...hmm cannot bear to think what about PBF le...but looks like I definitely got my work cut out for econs liao. I think I am gonna stay off maths for a while as that is my only so far REALLY confident subject of getting reasonably good grades but not 1st class grades yet. Like what Prof Witztum had said " Time is an essence". Looks like I got a ton of stuff to do...hmm I think I got to conquer macro econs, then at least have 40% to 50% guaranteed le...micro I will just do my best lor...

Whoever up there, do grant me the courage and the strength and the faith in that I am able to finish and obtain sufficient knowledge to do well for my modules sia...I have no time to spend on worries anymore... back to BMT folks...oops I mean BLT( basic learning training)

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