Sunday, April 15, 2012

Past,Future and Present

Don't know if many of you had read the " Precious Present" post, sorry for the small font...will adjust the font later. It seems that its my mantra of the month I guess..lolz. And I think its a very apt and appropriate mantra to always remember. Especially this phrase: "My past was the present.  And my future will be the present.  The present moment is the only reality I ever experience."

For example, I am worried about my exams, I feel the fear of failure, the possibility that I let down myself and the people around me. The Possibility that this will impact my future career aspirations, the guilt and regret will overcome me. But, this is what it means of living in the future, the expectations of the IF in the future, and eventually its your expected future that affect your present. Be it the uncertainty or the pain of not possibly achieving it. 

Now for the past, I am afraid that some things I did or said or even experienced before might very well come back and haunt me. So, I will do things and react in a certain way so to avoid  facing the same issue or even trying to right the wrong. Or maybe due to what has happened in the past, it was brought forward to the current, and that I would resent it and detest it. So, what happen, is that you will see an agitated me. Similarly, like what had been explained in the previous paragraph, the past had affected my present. Like future, it determined my present, and lets say it prolonged, so will the future be affected.

I cannot say that I had totally achieved the ultimate level, to tell you the truth, I don't think its even possible, except the more disciplined humans on this earth. But, for the average mortals like us, as long as we try to live by it, we will always be a much peaceful and happier lot. 

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