Thursday, March 24, 2011

Game Theory

Someone used to say that going after someone is a game. That someone came back 2 years later, and told me that she was wrong and said she was sorry for saying those stuff to me then. At that point of time, I totally forgotten about the incident le, and so for her to suddenly tell that to me, is really random ttm.

Recently, I thought of it as a game. Surprisingly?...I don't know. It seems that I feel that one has to do some mind games here and then and all. I do have to admit that sometimes one has to do such things to test water and stuff. But, I think I might have do too much? in my own thinking that is and not any actions that I have done, though I did some.

 Today, went to meet sapph, I was kinda excited in meeting her but not like the first time I went to find her for lunch. Met up, for some reason, I felt awkward? cuz eventually I don't know what to talk about. Its like there is nothing interesting in my life to speak about? I mean I seriously got nothing to about studies? about finance? or news?...those sounds damn boring ttm. So eventually she was the one that did most of the talking. In some ways, I felt intimidated by her...I don't know why as well. Its like my confidence just seems to desert me at the time when I need it. Can feel that she tried to get me to talk, like she asked about my studies. I just say, like that lo...I mean dont really have much to talk about right? I mean you want to hear about econs and diversification?? So I just go with whatever she wants to talk lo....

In some sense, I felt really I had disappointed her in some sense. Like what I told JY just now, I was wondering like which side to I don't know what side to show...funny? serious? steady?....those kind of stuffs lo. So I was wondering whether I had been pushing really hard for something to work out between us? It seems that little had change since my previous post hur...

If can then can lo...if cannot then cannot lo...simple to say difficult to do but its not impossible.

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