During the drive, I was talking to her about what Sam talk to me the night before and the stuffs that she said. Then, I suddenly remembered about the previous conversations with Sam, so I told Zhenni that she is by far the only girl that Sam in a way kinda approved. So was saying that she is quite lucky to get that stamp of approval. She said that she must be quite bad that she didn't really get that approval in the past, I said yeah...haha.. We walked along the coast, she took her pics and I was talking to her about me and adeline and things that happened that night. The events that caused all these. Eventually, what made me gave up. Zhenni never really give much comments, she just listened and at times just chap in and say some stuff. We talk about other stuffs as well, I talked about the question she asked me in interview " How do you see yourself in 5 years time?" I told her Samantha's dreams , told her mine. I talked about a youtube video that I saw recently. I realised that she became the listener and I became the talkative one. I still remember that in the past that I used to tell Pig that Zhenni always talk a lot and I just listened. Oh how roles have reversed.
I decided to kind of test water again...so I told her what Sam told me previously, something that I seem to be much more happier talking about Zhenni and the things we do as compared to anything with Adeline. I make it a bit dramatic as usual...lol..but yeah I said it. I told her that I also says things about us to Adeline, she said that I am quite bad to make use of her. I said that no, I never really have that intention and besides I won't say things that there is no truth in it de.
I told Zhenni that as of right now, there is some interest in her from my side, but not enough for me to do anything for her. She said that if I were to do anything, she will run away because than whatever happened to all my feelings for Adeline. Is it fake? Thats why I said that definitely for now, I won't do anything because I am also not sure if its rebound or anything. Along the way walking back to the car, she again brought out the strange fate that we shared together, like everything that we faced in life, seems that its damn similar only thing is that either me first or she first. She tells me that after a deadline that she had set for a guy she likes, then things will be quite rollarcoaster and she will come looking for me. Like right now, its my rollarcoaster ride. Soon, will be hers if the reply is bad. Realised that we both are doing the same things in our r/s and stuff. I says that all these too xie already, along the drive back. She commented that the moon quite in a smiley mode, and I said thats something I had noticed when we first reached the place. We end up teasing each other say dont copy each other.
Along the way back, I says that I like to drink at rooftop bars. I know that she doesn't like, not even wine. So I said that like that cannot go fine dining le, she retorted back says that fine dining must drink wine meh? I was like ...if got steak, have red wine nice sia. I says that I will still have the wine. She says that I should say that " Oh, its ok we shall skip the wine cuz my lady doesn't drink" . I was like...orh okies, next time shall do that.
She really don't think before saying her words as usual.
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